Thursday, 16 August 2012

6th Edition Tactica: Assaults

Assults in 6th edition can be risky, with the snap-fire rule and flamers it is a nasty world but i am going to give you some tactics on this. For starters work out your odds of winning, if you charge because there is nothing better, don't do it. you could lose a man and end up losing the squad. What if you fail the charge? You just gave them free shooting, do you have assault grenades, are they close combat specialists? It could be devastating so think about this first. so you have evaluated your chance but what about war gear? Ask what they have, what do you have, could they have defence grenades, counter attack?

Now for the charge, on average you will get a seven inch charge but if it is twelve inches really think about it. After you have been shot at and have made your charge their will be challenges, got a power fist? Smack your foe's character in the face in the face, also if you don't challenge make a circle around your characters shield him from close combat.

(Space Marines Only) Finally if you lost the combat and have to make a LD try to pass it but in the ENEMY turn to FAIL it with your And They Shall Know No Fear which allows you to charge or shoot them again in your turn.

Just some tips with charging units:

All Tanks: Charge if you have a something to take it out with.
Chaos Marines: DON'T Charge they may seem sweet marines but they can be very nasty
(Dark) Eldar: DON'T high initiative and witch craft (That I don't understand)
Tau: Not broadsides but most infantry will be creamed
Guard: Will go generally well but watch out for unique Characters
Wolves: Only if you are Marines or better
All Space Marines: goes generally well if you have big numbers of men if you aren't as good as them
Grey Knights: ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND unless you have terminators
Nids/Orks: Depends on the number
Sisters: I don't know much about them
Chaos Daemons: I don't know much about them
Necrons: Check what the lord has but a general rule is to charge

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